How to Start Automation Testing using Selenium

Fundamentals of Selenium:

A group of software technologies called Selenium are used to automate web browsers. A significant portion of this open-source toolkit is utilized for functional and retrogression testing. One tool for automating web operation testing is called WebDriver. especially to confirm that they function as expected. It seeks to provide an approachable API that is simple to use and comprehend. Additionally, it is simpler to use than the Selenium-RC(1.0) API, which will facilitate the reading and maintenance of your tests.

WebDriver for Selenium:
Selenium RC (Old Version).
The Selenium IDE and Grid.


“WebDriver APIs” must be installed on your computer. warnings and Windows. remain in command. WebDriver Advances Waits. Change Orders You ought to know the generals of Java Advance OOPs. Robotics and Action Class. To use Selenium WebDriver, drag and drop. Drag and drop functionality in Selenium WebDriver. Advice & Techniques. Selenium WebDriver for headless browser testing. Configuring Selenium WebDriver with AutoIt.

Introduction to Selenium and WebDriver:

You may create tests in many other programming languages, including Java, C#, Groovy, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby, using Selenium, a framework for web operation testing. Selenium is compatible with MAC OS, Linux, and Windows.

How to Use Selenium to Begin Robotization:

An open-source tool called Selenium is used to automate grounded cybersurfer operations. When it comes to basic functional testing of a Web operation, Selenium is straightforward to use. Software testers can create tests using Selenium’s record/playback tool without having to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). Additionally, it offers Selenese, a test-sphere-specific language, for writing exams in several widely used programming languages.

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